The first thing you do is,
Run the Visual Basic program. The first thing you see is:
Run the Visual Basic program. The first thing you see is:
Here you choose what is the kind of the program you want to create.
For creating a simple Visual Basic program, choose the Standard EXE,
and press the Open Button.
For creating a simple Visual Basic program, choose the Standard EXE,
and press the Open Button.
(If the above figure is not the first thing you see when you run Visual Basic,
choose from the Visual Basic menu File->New Project)
After you’ve clicked the Open button, you will see:
choose from the Visual Basic menu File->New Project)
After you’ve clicked the Open button, you will see:
Look at the form with the title bar Form1.
This is how your program will look like.
Everything you will place on this form will appear in your program.
As you can see, your form is currently empty.
You didn’t program anything yet, but lets run the program!
Now your program is running like this.
To stop the program from running, you can click on the Stop button
in the Toolbar, or click the form’s X button.
It’s very recommended that you will always close your programs using the
form’s X button instead of the Visual Basic Stop button.
It’s like shutting Windows From the Start button, instead of Pressing
the Power button.
in the Toolbar, or click the form’s X button.
It’s very recommended that you will always close your programs using the
form’s X button instead of the Visual Basic Stop button.
It’s like shutting Windows From the Start button, instead of Pressing
the Power button.
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