d0837296baef4fc14d667832c1a5215944b54a8f46af2d5c5c µBOT - HTTP Bot - DL/Exec, Update, Visit, 10kb Bin | TipsS And TricksS

µBOT - HTTP Bot - DL/Exec, Update, Visit, 10kb Bin

on Tuesday 19 February 2013
UBOT, originally named "Webnet", is a stable HTTP bot created for the use of cattle and is perfect for collecting hundereds and thousands of programs with an affordable price. The simple to use interface and reliable bot allows you to control your botnet with confidence, knowing your program is safe and stable is what botnet master's needs, and this is what we provide you with μBOT.

"Μ" in the name of our representative for simplicity and small size, which is directly in relation with our bot itself, with a 9kb small size compressor with control panel easy to use.

Bot Features:
- INSTANT Infection, no waiting.
- Download & Execute.
- Update.
- Visit Webpage [Visible].
- Visit Webpage [Invisible].
- Uninstall.
- Add to Startup.
- Critical Process.
- Hidden File.
- Admin detection.
- Mutex.
- Coded in VB6, no. NET Framework dependency!
- Small, ~ 10KB compressed, 36kb uncompressed.
- Great stability.

- Detailed statistics.
- Location plot, map graph.
- Pie Charts [Bot Status, Operating System, Admin].
- Tool-tip for last commands sent for each client.
- Bot selection preferences.
- Integrated Ajax, Means everything is realtime! From client list to bot count.




1. Upload the PHP Sauce to your webhost.
2. Create a MySQL Database.
3. Navigate on your webhosts FTP to root/inc/config.php .
4. Edit the details accordingly.
5. Import the MySQL configuration file called 'boatnet.sql' .
6. Build the VB6 side with corresponding panel.
7. Start spreading.

Now onto the cron job
The settings of the cron job is up to you it can vary between once a day to every 30 mins, i would personally recommend 30 mins because that is what the script is built for but aslong as you point the cron to
youll be fine

having a problem with the function.date and getting errors like below?

Warning: date() [function.date]: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. You are *required* to use the date.timezone setting or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected 'Europe/Berlin' for 'CEST/2.0/DST'

there is a simple fix, go on the page you are getting the error such as tasks.php and after the initial php comment,place the following line


pass : botnetvietnam.com


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