Fingerprint Reader / Scanner is very safe and convenient device for security instead of password, that is vulnerable to fraud and is hard to remember. Use USB Fingerprint Scanner / Reader with our Biometrics software for authentication, identification and verification functions that let your fingerprints act like digital passwords that cannot be lost, forgotten or stolen.
there are different categories of finger printing devices are available they are:-
Fingerprint Scanner enBioScan-c1

Fingerprint Scanner enBioScan-C1 , a special scanner from BioEnable will be the most flexible and user friendly product in the industry as the customers will be benefited for its Ergonomic design and can make changes to the design based on their own requirements. Sensor OPP08 Dimensions 39.
Dual FingerPrinting

Dual Fingerprint Scanners are the advanced fingerprint capture devices with large fingerprint input window used for scanning two fingers at a time. Its also called Dual Fingerprint reader or Two Finger scanner. Scanning two fingers together provide much larger set of fingerprint data leading to better fingerprint matching and identification. In applications involving database.
Live Fingerprint Scanner - Fingkey hamster DXII

FingKey Hamster DX II is a unique live fingerprint scanner that includes feature of Live Finger Detection (LFD) along with USB 2.0 Interface .This live fingerprint scanner allows to verify authorized fingerprint using fake finger identification technology. Fingkey Hamster is largest selling USB Fingerprint scanner in India since last 10 years. It has been used in over.
USB FingerPrint Scanner - Fingkey Hmaster DX

Fingkey Hamster DX is largest selling USB Fingerprint scanner in India since last 10 years. It has been used in over 500 Government & Civil ID Projects. Its known for its scratch proof surface, crystal clear fingerprint images and expected lifespan of 5 to 10 years. USB Fingerprint Reader / Scanner is very safe and convenient .
Live Fingerprint Reader - Fingkey Hamster III(NEW)
The New Fingerprint reader Fingkey Hamster III is a fingerprint recognition device with advanced Liver Finger Detection (LFD) for high security applications. This Fingerprint reader is available with new design, new innovation in Dry finger detection & Fake finger detection. USB.
Ten-Print Fingerprint Scanner- BioScanio for UID Aadhaar Project
BioScan 10 is a Ten-print Fingerprint scanner is high-end fingerprint scanner suitable for UID Aadhaar project, Government National ID, Police, Immigration/Visa applications. Its also called Ten fingerprint scanner, Slap fingerprint scanner or 4+4+2 fingerprint scanner. BioScan 10 is the first Ten print fingerprint scanner launched by an Indian company. BioScan 10 is 10-print Livescan certified according .
Fingkey Mouse- USB Mouse + Fingerprint Scanner

Introduction Fingerprint Mouse is the fingerprint recognition mouse equipped with a compact NITGEN optic fingerprint recognition module, which provides high performance. It is the product developed in a unity adding the function of fingerprint recognition to optic wheel mouse. It supports both USB and Parallel, deployed in every field like [...]
Multispectral Fingerprint Scanner- Multi-spectral Fingerprint Reader

BioEnable’s Multispectral Fingerprint Scanner supports several modes of operation. This self-contained intelligent device performs all biometric functions and processing inside the sensor and provides on board template storage for both search and verification functions. It performs image processing, image output, feature extraction,biometric template generation, 1:1 matching or verification, 1:N matching or identification.
how fingerprint works
Fingerprints are one of those bizarre twists of nature. Human beings happen to have built-in, easily accessible identity cards. You have a unique design, which represents you alone, literally at your fingertips. How did this happen?
People have tiny ridges of skin on their fingers because this particular adaptation was extremely advantageous to the ancestors of the human species. The pattern of ridges and "valleys" on fingers make it easier for the hands to grip things, in the same way a rubber tread pattern helps a tire grip the road.
The other function of fingerprints is a total coincidence. Like everything in the human body, these ridges form through a combination of genetic and environmental factors. The genetic code in DNA gives general orders on the way skin should form in a developing fetus, but the specific way it forms is a result of random events. The exact position of the fetus in the womb at a particular moment and the exact composition and density of surrounding amniotic fluid decides how every individual ridge will form.
So, in addition to the countless things that go into deciding your genetic make-up in the first place, there are innumerable environmental factors influencing the formation of the fingers. Just like the weather conditions that form clouds or the coastline of a beach, the entire development process is so chaotic that, in the entire course of human history, there is virtually no chance of the same exact pattern forming twice.
Consequently, fingerprints are a unique marker for a person, even an identical twin. And while two prints may look basically the same at a glance, a trained investigator or an advanced piece of software can pick out clear, defined differences.
This is the basic idea of fingerprint analysis, in both crime investigation and security. A fingerprint scanner's job is to take the place of a human analyst by collecting a print sample and comparing it to other samples on record. In the next few sections, we'll find out how scanners do this.
there is a case study of FingerPrinting. . .
A woman has been murdered. When the detectives arrive on the scene, the house is in shambles. Clothes are strewn about the floor, lamps are overturned and there's no sign of the assailant. Then, one of the detectives picks up a glass. On its side is a smudged, bloodythumbprint. He takes it down to the lab, where it's analyzed and matched to a recorded set of prints. The detectives catch their killer.
one question you can ask me that is or running in your mind that is. . . .
A minor scrape, scratch or even burn won't affect the structure of the ridges in your fingerprints -- new skin reforms in its original pattern as it grows over the wound. But each ridge is also connected to the inner skin by small projections called papillae. If these papillae are damaged, the ridges are wiped out and the fingerprint destroyed.
Some criminals have tried to evade capture by tampering with their own fingerprints. Chicago bankrobber John Dillinger reportedly burned his fingertips with acid in the 1930s. Recently, a man in Lawrence, Mass., tried to hide his identity by cutting and stitching up all ten of his fingertips (fortunately, a police officer recognized his face).
But as fingerprint technology becomes a common form of authentication from bank vaults to luxury cars, law enforcement officials worry that would-be criminals might try to steal entire fingers for the prints. In one case, robbers in Malaysia cut off a man's fingers so they could steal his Mercedes. Companies that make biometrics security equipment realize the potential dangers of this system, and are now creating scanners that detect blood flow to make sure the finger is still alive.
having this great article on my blog hope u like this informative knowledge about fingerprinting and its working so...comment pls.
rakesh verma
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