d0837296baef4fc14d667832c1a5215944b54a8f46af2d5c5c Indian Hacker Godzilla hacked Pakistan Army Website on EID | TipsS And TricksS

Indian Hacker Godzilla hacked Pakistan Army Website on EID

on Friday, 9 August 2013

In Indian today is Eid and on this occasion, an Indian Hacker “GODZILLA” who is famous for hacking Pakistan Govt. websites again hacked and defaced the official website of the Pakistan Army(pakistanarmy.gov.pk).
Hacker also hacked three Pakistan Army Facebook pages:

If you are puzzled that how a hacker able to do these hacks so here is your answer:

Hacker Gaodzilla told E Hacking News that he planted a PDF exploit on the website which allowed him to install a piece of malware on the administrator’s computer.
After the hacks, the pages were removed.
Hacker Godzilla said:
“Now no more deals, if you can fire then we can bombard You are punished for breaking ceasefire we are coming for you,”
Currently, the Pakistan Army’s website and the Facebook pages are restored and working properly.
Here are the previous hacks by Hacker GODZILLA:

GODZILLA Pakistan Hack completed , Database has been Leaked socially

Like we said we are keeping you update on GODZILLA who is hacking Pakistan Government website from three days and yesterday also we reported that Pakistan websites are not running up and  now “GODZILLA” aka G.O.D has completed his Cyber Attack on Pakistan.
The great News is this that he has leaked the database of Pakistan Government Websites and posted socially online at Pastebin here-http://pastebin.com/ZWdxE8CW
There are total three admins managing the whole stuff of imp Pakistan cyber space. There is almost a common database for all the websites and these websites are Vulnerable to SQL Injection.

What has been Leaked?

  • Username
  • Password(plain-text)
  • Database name
  • Table name and other details.
Hackers Voice

Reason for attack: Pakistan’s Support to Terrorism
I must say without you it would have been difficult for us to penetrate into the system and your common password “111111″ was like a magical stick for us.
Pakistan is a country which is currently supporting terrorist activities through ISI, and if they regret Pakistan army and Ministry of Defense mail server backups are enough to proof how closely the are related to terrorism. Pakistan stop these activities before its too late.

Pakistan again under Godzilla Attack- A revenge from Indian Patriot Hacker

Again and again Pakistan websites are going hacked by “Godzilla” we are in touch with the news that what is next and yesterday when Godzilla took control on the Proxy server which was used by PakistanGovernment website and they all were down yesterday.
Today what happened Godzilla now have got access to the backup server and he told that backup server is also saved on the same network.
According to Godzilla Pakistan.gov.pk only just pretending that it is up and in actually they are not running.
Hackers Voice
“One thing is true Pakistan is good at pretending like nothing happened, let it be a cyber attack or a TERRORIST attack. “ 

After clicking the login button on Pakistan.gov.pk it is redirecting to an IP Address ( this was using by the Pakistan Government when they didn’t have proxy system.
Now Hacker is Extracting the Database and once he extracted the data, he will take down rest of the IP Addresses. 

Pakistan Intelligence Agency was Hacked by an Indian Hacker

You know one news while whole world was busy in Anonymous hacking a Hacker hacked Pakistan Intelligence Agency (ISI).

The hacker name is “Godzilla” and he has claimed that he has hacked into the server of ISI website (http://isi.org.ok) and you know that he has hacked all the sensitive information about
Pakistan Intelligence.

And he has claimed also to access Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) of the server located at

He disclosed the complete info of the System that it has Windows 2008 server standard edition and having three derives i.e C,D,E with operating system in C and Hostname ‘AHCORP‘.
He also hacked into MSSQL server which containing 3 databases with 9 users and the url is  http://mssql.isi.org.pkand Screenshots taken by him which is below:-
Some partial tables of the database ‘msdb‘ as listed below:
  • bakupfile
  • bakupmediafile
  • bakupmediaset
  • backupset
  • logmarkhistory
  • restorefile
  • restorehistory
  • suspect_pages
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